Wednesday, March 09, 2005

ESL: Listening Skills Listening Skills Practice
English as 2nd Language

Listening Skills PracticeGuide picks:
The Internet is the best place to practice your listening. This resource provides listening quizzes, interviews, specific English learning listening resources as well as where to go to listen, listen, listen.
Beginner Listening Pages For people who have never studied English. Or for those of you who are "false" beginners. Listening comprehensions include very easy number recognition, pronunciation and basic information exercises.
Lower - Intermediate Listening Pages Relatively easy listening comprehensions focusing on understanding general information, also included minimal pair work. Equivalent to the Cambridge KET exam.

This is a good program that gives a conversation and then has drop down menus to answer questions about the conversation. A negative for our students is that it is a British made site, and the accents are obviously British. I do like the topic areas, and the accents are not so strong as to be unrecognizable to Americans. Do review first, for situations that include mention of the cost of the item in Br. pounds instead of dollars. However, I have always found that listening to different accents helps students increase their understanding of English. Also, some ESL students come from countries where the British accent is much more common than American, so this may be helpful for them.