Monday, March 21, 2005

Book: Getting to Know Computers

Getting to Know Computers. By Mary Beth Lundgren. Cleveland, OH; Project Learn, 1997. Writers Group Books Series. Fry Reading Level 3. $10.50
.Excellent book that is available in both a controlled vocabulary version for new readers and a generic version for those who are computer illiterate. A keyboard insert makes understanding easier. Clear explanations of computer terms told in a nonthreatening manner. Excellent for ESL. This is an older book but well written and good for very low readers. Since it was a grant program, only limited supplies of the book are available. There are some available as as today, but you can contact them directly for additional information and availability:
Project: LEARN
1701 Payne Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone number: (216) 621-9483
Web Site URL: