Monday, November 21, 2005

Hearing Impaired: US Department of Education site
The mission of the Captioned Media Program (CMP) is to provide all persons who are deaf or hard of hearing awareness of and equal access to communication and learning through the use of captioned educational media and supportive collateral materials. The CMP also acts as a captioning information and training center. The ultimate goal of the CMP is to permit media to be an integral part in the lifelong learning process for all stakeholders in the deaf and hard of hearing community: adults, students, parents, and educators.

The CMP provides a free-loan media program of over 4,000 open-captioned titles (videos, CD-ROM, and DVD). Deaf and hard of hearing persons, teachers, parents, and others may borrow materials. There are no rental, registration, or postage fees. Several hundred titles are also streamed on the CMP web site.

You will need to register with the site and verify that you have students who qualify for the program. There is a titles list on the site, and the service, including postage for mailing the captioned videos, CD's and DVD's to your program, is provided free of charge by the Department of Education. There are also some titles and information for Spanish speakers.