Thursday, November 30, 2006

ABE/GED/ESL General Information Websites Literacy Support Center

ESL Special Collection: This site for students and learners offers language practice and other important ESL services and information.
GED: This is the official GED test site provided by the American Council on Education.
Immigration and Naturalization Service: Find citizenship information and government forms on this official site.
Interactive Instruction for Adult Learners: Find sites on this Maryland Adult Literacy Resource Center that lead to newspapers, interactive stories and geography games, grammar exercises, and more.
PBS LiteracyLink: GED Connection and Workplace Essential Skills: GED Connection, Pre-GED Connections, and Workplace Essential Skills. Find online lessons, interactivev activities, instructors, and more. This website will lead you to dictionaries, weather forecasts, newspapers, magazines, forecasts, maps, people finders, puzzles and word games, writing guides, and more.
Value: Voices for Adult Literacy United in Education: This site promotes a learner-center approach to adult education, and includes learner-centered resource materials which learners and practitioners might find useful.