Monday, April 25, 2005

ESL: Idioms Use the menu on the left side of the page to access 'Idioms'

Self-Study Idiom Quizzes. Including phrasal verbs, and slang, divided into medium and difficult levels.
Pocket English Idioms Hundreds of idioms. Click a keyword and get the idiom with an example sentence.
Dennis Oliver's ESL Idiom Page You can see a complete list, or meanings and examples.
Commonly Used American Slang Nineteen pages of slang collected by Charles I. Kelly & Lawrence E. Kelly.
The Idiom Collection A big collection and many categories.
English Idioms, Sayings and Slang An online dictionary of idioms, sayings and slang.
American Idioms A good selection with good examples.
Animal Idioms A few interesting idioms containing animals' names.
Idioms at Interlink Language Center Multiple choice questions, match the meaning of an idiom.
Idioms and Proverbs Match the meanings of about thirty idioms.
Idioms Sally Jennings: hundreds of idioms and phrasal verbs with context examples
Slang City. Yeah, baby! Check out this cool online guide to American slang, including explanations of popular songs and movies, bad words, pronunciation and more.
Idioms Site.Hundreds of idioms in alphabetical order. It also tells you where and when the idiom originated.